
Originally from Portland, Oregon.

Now I have two homes.

Joshua Tree, California & the Oregon Coast.

The name is Angela Rose Fields, and in 2021 I hit the road in a 1982 RV, named Fancy. Without much certainty as to what would come next, who I would become, or where I would land, all I knew was that the PNW Winters were not for me. I found my other home in Joshua Tree, California amidst fellow outliers, artists, and outdoor enthusiasts.

Professionally I am a Yoga Teacher.

Professionally I am a Sign Painter.

Professionally I am the maker of Sun Buttah, an eco-friendly sunscreen line.

Creatively I love to make things with whatever medium is currently speaking to me. Modeling, film, painting, and currently I am learning coding and design in the digital realm.

Creatively I feel whole when I sing and write songs.

Please don’t hesitate to Contact Me if you would like to hire me or collaborate.

With love,
